A Vital Aspect of Dignity - Access to Basic Hygiene

I hope you are having an enjoyable summer filled with laughter and sunshine. Through August, I'll be talking about access to food and basic necessities as it relates to homelessness. 

Living on the streets, in shelters, or on subways presents a vast array of challenges that most of us never have to think about. In today's newsletter, I want to shed some light on one of the daily hurdles faced by many of our friends at City Relief - accessing basic hygiene facilities.

 Without a stable home, tasks as simple as taking a shower, brushing teeth, or washing clothes become full day projects that often require lots of planning. To maintain a basic level of hygiene is a monumental task when you lack both the products, privacy and place to do things we take for granted. As we don’t have portable showers attached to our vehicles, we often refer people to hygiene services provided by community organizations like Paul's Place, The Bowery Mission, and Shower Power. Yet for those that live too far away or cannot find a time slot, they may resort to using public restrooms for sponge baths and washing clothes. This process can become even more overwhelming if someone is in a wheelchair or has movement limitations as not all community partners have showers that are ADA accessible.

A lack of access to basic hygiene facilities often only isolates people even further, which makes them lose hope or the desire to even try to keep themselves clean. It becomes a downward spiral for their mental and physical health. When faith communities, businesses, and individuals provide hygiene kits with toiletries, clothing essentials, and other necessities it can help restore a feeling of dignity and healthy overall well-being. 

The next time you encounter someone experiencing homelessness, remember that maintaining basic hygiene is often a luxury they can’t afford – it's a matter of cost and accessibility. No one desires to go to the bathroom outside or smell so bad that others don't want to be around them. Let's remember, they are often doing the best they can with what they have.

Together, we can change lives. We can ensure everyone has access to the basic items necessary for health and hygiene. Thank you for being part of this mission with City Relief.

With gratitude,

Josiah Haken

P.S. Don't forget, every small act counts. Join our monthly giving team or consider bumping up your contribution today. Every dollar goes directly to providing much-needed resources to those in need.


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