Bulletin Board

The place where you can stay up to date with the latest events, stories, news, and opportunities for our City Relief community.

Press Elizabeth Fischetti Press Elizabeth Fischetti

Univision: Learn about the work of City Relief, an organization that seeks to change the lives of hundreds of homeless people

Abner Paulino, community leader, talks about the various initiatives that this non-profit organization has been developing for more than 30 years to support homeless people in the city and encourage them to work and rehabilitate. Paulino explains how the social programs they carry out are working in the midst of the coronavirus crisis.

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Press Elizabeth Fischetti Press Elizabeth Fischetti

WBAI: Coronavirus Diary

Juan Galloway, President and CEO of New York City Relief, a nonprofit serving the homeless, discusses the strain the pandemic has put on an already fragile social service system.

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Weekly Newsletters Elizabeth Fischetti Weekly Newsletters Elizabeth Fischetti

Helping Each Other Feel Less Alone

“Stop complaining. It can always be worse.”

"You’re not as bad off as the next guy.”

“Suck it up, you’re being too sensitive.”

These phrases take up space in our ear and lead us down a rugged, desolate road. Searching for respite from our solitude, we grasp onto them as truths, when they are simply a temporary band-aid.

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Weekly Newsletters Elizabeth Fischetti Weekly Newsletters Elizabeth Fischetti

Maybe Our Kids Should Explain Homelessness To Us

One of the questions I get a lot when I do workshops or trainings around the topic of homelessness is, "How do I explain homelessness to my kids?" Usually this question comes from parents who live and work in areas where homelessness is self-evident. Occasionally it comes from parents who are planning a family trip into the city and they want to get out ahead of the inevitable questions that will come up as they walk from point A to point B.

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Weekly Newsletters Elizabeth Fischetti Weekly Newsletters Elizabeth Fischetti

The Poor You Will Always Have With You

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard Christians justify doing nothing for the poor and the homeless by quoting the words of Jesus found in Mark 14:7: “The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have me.”

Now, besides the obvious irony of using the words of the same man who told the parables of the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son, the same man who highlighted the significance of the widow’s generosity, and the same man who constantly warned of the dangers of greed, in order to excuse not lifting a finger to help the poor, there is also another fundamental problem

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