Bulletin Board
The place where you can stay up to date with the latest events, stories, news, and opportunities for our City Relief community.
Ways to Build Community With Your Unhoused Neighbors
I want to share some ways I interact with individuals to build community with our neighbors experiencing homelessness.
This is a question that you will ask yourself when building a friendship with someone who may be experiencing homelessness.
A Compassionate Community Response To Homelessness
In today's newsletter, we have a conversation with Teresa Gowan, the director of Community Partnerships.
Caring For Our Guests Beyond An Outreach
Today we wanted to share a conversation with our Director of Follow-Up Care, Tricia Philbert.
Employment Doesn’t Guarantee Housing
People are often surprised that many people experiencing homelessness are employed.
Immigration & Homelessness
She has also been our point person in assisting the many immigrants who have been coming to the New York City area and our outreaches.
Cycle Of Homelessness
Within this process, we've found that the roadblocks to breaking this cycle are exceptionally challenging. There are systemic, structural, and relational hurdles that an individual may face on this path.
Traits Of The Good Samaritan
As an organization that is devoted to outreach, we often reflect on the story and characteristics of the Good Samaritan.
What Can I Do About Homelessness?
The first question we are asked is, “What can I do when I encounter someone experiencing homelessness?”
Advocacy steps you can start today
Advocacy is integral when taking a holistic approach to ending homelessness. The issue may seem overwhelming; however, you can do a few things to bring awareness to this issue and be part of the solution.
Three examples of random acts of kindness
Here at City Relief, we believe that a random act of kindness can go a long way. We've found that just a simple gesture could change the course of someone's day, month, or year.
Five books to understand homelessness in America
That is why we decided to drop this book list in your inbox today and hopefully inspire you to read more about how homelessness has developed in America.
Five things to know about our neighbors experiencing homelessness
Our CEO, Josiah Haken, put together some key takeaways based on his experiences that can be great tools for us all.
How can your church partner with City Relief?
We would love to invite you and your church community to join us in our mission as we Feed, Clothe, and Serve our communities facing homelessness.
Did you know volunteering is good for your health?
At first glance, we know that volunteering can help our community— but did you also know it is good for you?
NJ Housing Resources To Help Someone In Need
As a guide, we have pulled together some action steps someone can take if they are at risk of homelessness. Maybe the need is rental assistance or support with utility bills; there are resources out there to help.
NYC Housing Resources To Help Someone In Need
In New York City, various rental solutions are available to those at risk for homelessness, and we’ve listed a few here as a resource for you.
Good news, Your company can partner with us!
Maybe you work at or own a socially-minded company? Today, we wanted to highlight how companies can partner with us to meet the needs of our friends on the street.
We Are A Family
Our community is full of individuals that have come together to help one another, woven into one diverse family.
We are making an impact!
We want to take this time to thank you for your continued support in advancing our mission here at City Relief. We know that in the busyness of life, setting aside time to serve and giving sacrificially is no small thing.